Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Maria's Seventh Birthday

Time has flown by and it is now the summer holidays but a few months ago it was Maria's birthday. We had a cake made by me and the" best present ever!"

The Cake

This is the cake I made for Maria , it's just a normal chocolate cake cut in half with chocolate ganash icing , which was confusing to make, and cream in the middle (very yummy I would say but  who does not like chocolate cake.) If you look close then you will see that the candles are  in the order of the rainbow red , orange , yellow , green , blue , indigo and violet.

This is when Maria was blowing out the candles and we were singing happy "birthday to you" to her.

The Best Present ever

Maria was given a big box of things for potion making, there were mini graters, little jars for storage, special papers to make 'tea bags', some citric acid and bicarb of soda for a fizzy element, herb plants, dried herbs, some essential oils and much more. Even 2 books about herbs and things to make with them - like drinks and healing medicines.

Here are the herbs mummy brought for the present - there is Fennel , Mint , Oregano and many other things for us to use and dry. My favourite smell is the ginger mint. 

Mint and Loganberry puree

This is just a made up potion I made with chopped up mint, squashed loganberries, a bit of lemon juice and lemon grass oil. I found it really fun. I chopped up the mint with a special thing that you twist to move the blades that chops up the herb, this was hard to put together but Mummy did it in the end.

Lemon balm stew

The lemon balm stew was made by chopping lemon balm into small pieces then adding water, lemon juice and lemon grass oil. Later on that night we thought this smelled so good we drained it then took it up to our bath to make that smell beautiful.

Here's us at work.

This is the extra lemon balm I had when I was chopping it for the lemon balm stew and some garlic that Maria squeezed.

What it looked like

I think we'll be making lots more potions from now on.


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